What does Green mean?
Green Machine CyclesSeveral years back I started wondering why bike shops generally don't make substantial efforts to choose sustainable products and business practices. Components, apparel, and supplies sold at a typical shop use excessive packaging and virgin materials. Cleaners and lubricants marketed to cyclists are often no less toxic to users or the environment than those for the automotive industry. Few shops creatively reduce these excesses from their waste stream.
Green Machine CyclesYou may know that modernist architect Le Corbusier called the house a "machine for living." A bicycle might well be considered a machine for loving. Like any good lover, a bicycle will gradually teach you things about itself and about yourself. A bike is not mute; if you listen carefully it will profess its identity clearly. It wants its independence and wants to be fierce and stalwart and capable, but it needs to be coddled and pampered as well. The more respect you have for your bike, the better your relationship will be.
Green Machine CyclesAhoy! Here we wax poetic, go round and round, elliptical sometimes. We would be happy to post some of your own bike-centric musings here.